Youth Development

Youth Development is our introduction training at Sports AdvantEdge. These sessions are great from kids 7-10 years old. Our goal is to create the healthiest and best athletes we can. By teaching young athlete's proper running technique, proper landing techniques and proper modes of decelerating our hope is to reduce injuries later in the athletes training career. This training is a great introduction to training for many young athletes. Our training philosophy is that athletes need to be able to perform base exercises and movements first. This training provides that!!! 

This training will involve these components:

  1. Dynamic WM-UP
  2. Mobility/ Core stability
  3. Deceleration and landing technique training
  4. General Strength movements
  5. Linear and lateral speed enhancement
  6. Reaction training
  7. Body Weight strength progressions/ technique training

Sessions are scheduled through our Exercise software. Session can be purchased in multiple packages and we offer 1-3-6-9-12 month packages that are unlimited.

Sessions are 60 minutes long